Get data before page load in angularJS

I am trying to extract a dropdown before page load using angular $ http. I tried several combinations, but it kept giving the same error:

Error: [$ injector: unpr] Unknown provider: officeListProvider <- officeList <- myController $ injector / unpr? p0 = officeListProvider% 20% 3C-% 20officeList% 20% 3C-% 20myController

I'm only a few weeks into angular, so I apologize for any silly mistakes.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',['ngRoute']);

myApp.config(['$routeProvider',function ($routeProvider) {  
    $routeProvider.when('../../home/goEeUpdateAngular.obj', {
        templateUrl: '/employee_update_angular.jsp', 
        controller: 'myController',
        resolve: {
            officeList: function(officeListFactory) {
                return officeListFactory.getOfficeList();

myApp.factory('officeListFactory', function($http, $window) {
    var factoryResult = {
        getOfficeList: function() {
            var promise = $http({
                method: 'GET', 
                url: '../../home/goOfficesList.obj' 
            }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                console.log (data);
                return data;

            return promise;

    console.log (factoryResult.getOfficeList());
    return factoryResult;

myApp.controller('myController',function ($scope,officeList) {
    $scope.officeListFactory =;



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2 answers

In the controller, you should only call officeList. Here is a working JSFIDDLE . I also have a webapi example instead of your url

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',['ngRoute']);

myApp.config(['$routeProvider',function ($routeProvider) {  
    $routeProvider.when('../../home/goEeUpdateAngular.obj', {
        templateUrl: '/employee_update_angular.jsp', 
        controller: 'myController',
        resolve: {
            officeList: function(officeListFactory) {
                return officeListFactory.getOfficeList();

myApp.factory('officeListFactory', function($http, $window) {
    var factoryResult = {
        getOfficeList: function() {
            var promise = $http({
                method: 'GET', 
                url: '../../home/goOfficesList.obj' 
            }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                console.log (data);
                return data;

            return promise;

    console.log (factoryResult.getOfficeList());
    return factoryResult;

myApp.controller('myController',function ($scope,officeList) {
    $scope.officeListFactory =; //changes are made here




The error says "officeListProvider" is missing or not visible, you need to add it as a dependency.

Try changing below:

var ctrl = angular.module('myApp.controllers', []);



var ctrl = angular.module('myApp.controllers', ['']);


and also please use the same service name either srvOfficeList or officeList and also check your factory service, this is not correct - example: AngularJS: factory $ http service

Hope this solves the problem.

Please try to create a CodePen (or a similar tool) at the time of posting the question so the answer can be tried / fixed there and shared with you.



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