How to remember added element after page refresh

I have a page with a form with multiple elements. When I click on one of the elements, it takes me to Page2 (selects the element in Page2) and passes that selected element as a query string back to Page1. Then I will add this item to the last item. It works up to this point.

Now the problem is that I am repeating the same, i.e. clicking on another element, navigating to another page and adding this element to page1, I cannot get the previous added elements of these elements.

So I thought about using localStorage to store jquery objects and then using that localStorage to retrieve those selected items on every refresh (after navigating from another page).

  <div class="items" id="a">A</div>
  <div class="items" id="b">B</div>
  <div class="items" id="c">C</div>

//return querystring parameter
function GetURLParameter(sParam)
    var fullQueryString =;    
    var sURLVariables = fullQueryString.split('&');    
    for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
        var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
        if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)
            return sParameterName[1];


  arrImg = [];    
  var clickId = // function that returns the div element that is selected
  var id = GetURLParameter('id');

  if (id === 'item1') {
        var img1 = $("<img id='item1' src='' />");
        $('#' + clickId).append(img1);
        var obj = $('#' + clickId).html();
    else if (id === 'item2') {
        var img2 = $("<img id='item2' src='' />");
        $('#' + clickId).append(img2);
        var obj = $('#' + clickId).html();

    else if (id === 'item3') {
        var img3 = $("<img id='item3' src='' />")   
        $('#' + clickId).append(img3);
        var obj = $('#' + clickId).html();


    localStorage.setItem("ImgCookie", JSON.stringify(arrImg));


I get ImgCookie: "Item1" only. It is impossible to see other objects of the items that will be pressed.


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2 answers

You should know what is setItem()

trying to convert the second value to a string. So you have to use Json.stringify () to convert the object to json string first. So all data can be saved. To retrieve data. use json.parse ()

Here is a relative post. Try to check it out. Saving objects to HTML5 local storage




is a function that cannot convert an object with a circular reference. eg:

var i = {}, i.m = i; 
var k = JSON.stringify(i);//k=="{}"


And in the dom, there are many circular links. This is why you cannot see. But for your purpose, you can just create a new object and keep the basic values.

Here is an alternative solution with which you can exclude this circular reference.

var ele = $("selector");
var obj = ele.clone(true);




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