Interphinx undefined label warning

Following I added sphinx.ext.intersphinx

to the extensions in mine

and then I defined the mapping against the Python 2.7 documentation:

intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('', None)}


And I added this link to my reST source:

:ref:`comparison manual <python:comparisons>`


I also downloaded , which I decoded into reST to confirm that the comparison label exists in objects.inv:

    :Link:  :std:label:`python:comparisons`
    :Domain:    Python
    :Version:   2.7
    :URL:   reference/expressions.html#comparisons
    :Title: Comparisons


However, when I try to build my documentation, I get the following warning:

WARNING: undefined label: python: comparisons (if the link does not have a signature must precede the section title)

and I am not getting any link in the html assembly file.

What am I doing wrong?


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