Multiple if-else error

I have a problem with the if-else statement. Even if the $key

one I am using matches the text in my expression if

, the operator else

I have at the bottom is also evaluated, so I get multiple values ​​for each $key

, which is the problem. What am I doing wrong here?

my $key = $line[0];
if ($key eq 'this_setting') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter2 = $counter + 2;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter2]);                        
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
if ($key eq 'some_setting_abc') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter2 = $counter + 2;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter2]);
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
if ($key eq 'another_setting_123') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter3 = $counter + 3;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter3]);
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
else {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    $value = $line[$counter1];
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;


Why is else

n't this operator bypassed if one of my operators is being evaluated if



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3 answers

You need to link them together with elsif


my $key = $line[0];
if ($key eq 'this_setting') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter2 = $counter + 2;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter2]);                        
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
elsif ($key eq 'some_setting_abc') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter2 = $counter + 2;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter2]);
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
elsif ($key eq 'another_setting_123') {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    my $counter3 = $counter + 3;
    $value = join(' ', @line[$counter1..$counter3]);
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;
else {
    my $counter1 = $counter + 1;
    $value = $line[$counter1];
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $value;


Otherwise, the first two operators if

do not depend on the third operator if

/ else




As already pointed out, you need the elsif keyword

However, another solution is to put your special rules for each key in a hash so that you can share the code:

my %key_length = (
    this_setting        => 1,
    some_setting_abc    => 1,
    another_setting_123 => 2,

my $key = $line[0];

my $index_low = $counter + 1;
my $index_high = $index_low + ($key_length{$key} // 0);

$my_setting_hash{$key} = join ' ', @line[ $index_low .. $index_high ];




Let's say the $key

value 'some_setting_abc'

. Your first one if

doesn't apply, but the second one if

does. The third one if

does not apply, but that one does else

, so it is executed. As @TedHopp pointed out , you will need one if

with chained elsif

and final one else


However, I want to point out that there is a lot of duplication in your code. Life is easier when you write your code a little more succinctly:

my $key = $line[0];
my $index = $counter + 1;

if (($key eq 'this_setting') or ($key eq 'some_setting_abc')) {
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = join ' ', @line[$index .. ($index + 1)];
elsif ($key eq 'another_setting_123') {
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = join ' ', @line[$index .. ($index + 2)];
else {
    $my_setting_hash{$key} = $line[$index];




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