Validation for a custom component in Aurelia
I am trying to use a reusable textbox component that uses aurelia validation to validate. In this case, I need to bind the validate attribute to its relative name. This is my opinion the component is using:
<form role="form" validate.bind="model.validation">
<text-field name="firstName" value.two-way="model.firstName" label="First Name :" placeholder="Enter first name"></text-field>
<text-field name="lastName" value.two-way="model.lastName" label="Last Name :" placeholder="Enter last name"></text-field>
view model:
import {Validation} from 'aurelia-validation';
import {ClientModel} from '../models/client-model';
export class Registrations{
static inject() { return [Validation]; }
constructor(validation) {
this.heading = 'Registrations';
this.model=new ClientModel('John','Neo','2');
this.readonly = 'readonly';
this.model.validation = validation.on(this.model)
.hasMaxLength(10) ;
activate () {
text element:
<div class="editor-field">
<input type="text" value.two-way="value" class="k-textbox""name" placeholder.bind="placeholder""readonly" validate="firstName">
Model view:
import {bindable} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class TextField {
@bindable name = '';
@bindable value = null;
@bindable id = '';
@bindable label = '';
@bindable placeholder = '';
@bindable readonly = false;
@bindable hasValidationError = false;
@bindable validationMessage = '';
It works this way, but I need to associate validate with its own name, so I tried the following ways:
`<input type="text" value.two-way="value" class="k-textbox""name" placeholder.bind="placeholder""readonly" validate.bind="name">`
and also the syntax for string interpolation:
<input type="text" value.two-way="value" class="k-textbox""name" placeholder.bind="placeholder""readonly" validate="${name}">
but they don't work. Only straight line seems to be accepted which one is in the custom element view of the textbox. How can I set the validate attribute for each component uniquely?
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I think you have tons of problems here, so do this and see how you go:
1) Confirm your vm
top level <this.validation = validation.on(this)
.hasMaxLength(10) ;
2) Provide the scope of the check in which these checks come from:
<form role="form" validate.bind="validation">
<text-field validate="model.firstName" ...></text-field>
<text-field validate="model.lastName" ...></text-field>
(details validate = "model. *" are probably not needed, but should not be affected either)
3) add your custom elements to the form group:
<form role="form" validate.bind="model.validation">
<div class="form-group">
<text-field validate="model.firstName" ...></text-field>
<div class="form-group">
<text-field validate="model.lastName" ...></text-field>
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