Complex xPath query with getNodeSet in R

I have the following xml file loaded from Uniprot squirrel database.

protein <- xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(""))


Of the many annotated functions, I'm interested in the start and end position of the kinase domain stored in the following xml node:

<feature type="domain" description="Protein kinase">
<begin position="288"/>
<end position="539"/>


With getNodeSet, I could find this tag well:

getNodeSet(protein, "//uniprot:feature[@type=\"domain\" and @description=\"Protein kinase\"]", c(uniprot=""))


Unfortunately I couldn't narrow down the query, adding any other criteria returns an empty list. Example:

getNodeSet(protein, "//uniprot:feature[@type=\"domain\" and @description=\"Protein kinase\"]/location", c(uniprot=""))


Based on an online xpath test, this should be a valid xpath query, but returns empty:

[1] "XMLNodeSet"


Can anyone help me with this query? I'm sure this is the normal behavior of getNodeSet, but I don't know what is rational behind it. In general, what is the most appropriate way to express such relatively complex queries in R? Should I store the result and then narrow it down?

Many thanks!


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1 answer

use the same prefix for the subsequent element:



prefix + local-name

identify each item. If you have XML with a default namespace (which seems to be what you have), the entire unprefixed element is considered in the default namespace. This is the reason why you need to use the * prefix for every element in XPath (not just the first element).

*) a prefix that points to the default namespace URI



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