How can I use my own annotation for Swagger?

How can I use my own annotation to create swagger ui page. For example, I have defined an annotation and use it:

    @MyOwnAnnotationForAdditionalPropInSwagger(value = "Some text")
    @Path( "/{carId}" )
        value = "Updates car info"
    public Response patchItem(@ApiParam(value = "Fields to update") Car item) {
            /*some code*/


After that, I should probably extend the class from swagger-core

and specify to scan my annotation ( @MyOwnAnnotationForAdditionalPropInSwagger


As a result, I want to see an extra column in the swagger ui with my text.

How can I figure this out? Which class do I need to extend?


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1 answer

Swagger 2.0 supports custom fields, a Pull Request was requested in 2013 ( ).

Apparently it's easy to add custom fields, since they are not present in the Swagger 2.0 spec, Swagger-UI will not render them by default.

To do this, you have to change a couple of things.

  • Add the required annotation to the parser implementation (i.e. swagger-core

    or swagger-php

    ) if it doesn't exist.
  • Clone and modify swagger-ui

    to render your custom field however you wish.

Note that doing so will actually break the jag jag schema ( ) and any third party validators you can not be used.



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