Swing GUI Builder Intellij IDEA

I cannot run the form in IntelliJ GUI builder

Exception in thread "main" java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: contentPane cannot be set to null.


I am assuming that the code to initialize the views is automatically generated. Right now I only have it JPanel

, and somehow it is not auto-initialized, I even thought it was clearly visible on the designer.

This is a Gradle project and I decided to run the generated main function.

What do I need to do to make it work?

public class MyForm {

    private JPanel jPanel;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("MyForm");
        frame.setContentPane(new MyForm().jPanel);



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2 answers

By default, the IntelliJ IDEA UI designer works by generating bytecode which is unfortunately not supported by Gradle lines. You can change it to generate source code in settings | Editor | GUI Designer.



see Intellij (Swing) GUI won't compile due to Gradle

solved by changing intellij settings (see also screenshot)

I checked:

  • automatic import ...
  • build and run using - set - intellij
  • run tests using - set - intellij
  • Gradle JVM - set - use JDK project


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