Formula evaluation does not work in NPOI

I am creating an Excel workbook in the code behind and I save it as both XLSX and PDF. I am using a template book for this, which has formatting and formulas that will be evaluated after the generation completes. When I open an Excel file, formulas are evaluated only when I set ForceFormulaRecalculation

to true. When I do the same with the PDF file, I get #VALUE!

where the results should be. My relevant code:

ReportGenerator generator = new ReportGenerator();
List<Activity> activities = GetActivitiesForItemCollection(items);


generator.Year = int.Parse(year);
generator.Month = int.Parse(month);

activities = generator.SortActivitiesByDateTime(activities);

activities = generator.GenerateBreaksForProject(activities);
bool isExternalReport = false;

if (project == "Intern")
    isExternalReport = true;

generator.GenerateReports(activities, isExternalReport);

if (pdf && !xlsx)
    generator.SaveReportToList(OutputFileType.PDF, generator.AssembleFileName(UserProperties.FullName, project, month, year, OutputFileType.PDF));
else if (xlsx && !pdf)
    generator.SaveReportToList(OutputFileType.XLSX, generator.AssembleFileName(UserProperties.FullName, project, month, year, OutputFileType.XLSX));
    generator.SaveReportToList(OutputFileType.XLSX, generator.AssembleFileName(UserProperties.FullName, project, month, year, OutputFileType.XLSX));
    generator.SaveReportToList(OutputFileType.PDF, generator.AssembleFileName(UserProperties.FullName, project, month, year, OutputFileType.PDF));


Here is my code where I am doing the evaluation:

public void SaveReportToList(OutputFileType outputType, string filename)
      string siteUrl = SPContext.Current.Web.Url;
           using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
                sheet.PrintSetup.Landscape = true;
                sheet.PrintSetup.FitWidth = 1;
                sheet.PrintSetup.FitHeight = 1;


                using (MemoryStream crutchStream = new MemoryStream(mStream.ToArray()))
                    using (SPSite spsite = new SPSite(siteUrl))
                        using (SPWeb spweb = spsite.OpenWeb())


I've also tried it this way:

private void ForceCalculateSheet()
      XSSFFormulaEvaluator helper = (XSSFFormulaEvaluator)workbook.GetCreationHelper().CreateFormulaEvaluator();

      for(int i = 0; i<sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
          XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);

          for(int j = 0; j< row.LastCellNum; j++)
               XSSFCell cell = (XSSFCell)row.GetCell(j);

               if(cell != null && cell.CellType == CellType.Formula)


Here are some formulas I'm trying to evaluate (some of the cell values ​​are 24 hour time values):



The weird thing is when I trace the score in Excel, it goes to the last step. Then the value becomes #VALUE!


Anyone have any idea what is going on here?

To be careful, I updated NPOI to the latest .NET version ( This hasn't fixed the problem yet.

When I click on a cell that is in a formula, change its value, then confirm it with Enter, the formula will evaluate correctly. This means that there should be nothing wrong with the formulas themselves.

I solved this by doing the calculations manually. This is not my long term solution as users should be able to do their own calculations, but this is the only solution I can think of right now, other than using a different Excel framework (poor planning;)).


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