Regex.Matches skipping a match? FROM#

I need to identify substrings found in a string, for example:

"CityBCProcess test" or "test for city queries"

To obtain:

["City / Town", "ABC", "Process", "Test"]

  • The first line in a substring can be lowercase or uppercase.
  • Any substring with repeated uppercase letters will be a substring until a lowercase letter or space is found "ABCProcess → ABC, ABC Process → ABC"
  • If there is an uppercase letter followed by a lowercase letter, the substring will be everything up to the next uppercase letter.

Regular expression used:

"[AZ] [AZ] + | ([AZ] | [0-9]) + \ b | [AZ] + (= [AZ]?) | ([AZ] | [0-9]) +"

This works fine, but breaks in case of the line:


We will implement it this way:

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(name, builder.ToString()))
            //do things with each match


The problem here is that it doesn't match with "X" but only "999". Any ideas? I tested it with and it says that this regex must match two substrings.


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interpreted as an escape sequence (\ u0008, backspace) in a C # string.

Escape the forward slash (i.e. \\b

), or use a shorthand using the symbol @






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