Remove the \ n after scanf () that read an integer

I'm fed up and I've written a lot of basic programs. There is something wrong with my new schedule program. I want to talk about all the recipes of the park and write on the screen its car number and clock. This sequence should be the responsibility of the car clock. My program only has scanf () setting the clock to the user. The user writes the hour and enters, the program gets a new line. I want it to be like

Car    Hours     Charge
1       5         3.00


But the program output is like

Car    Hours    Charge
1       5


This is the source code of my program:


double calculateCharges ( double time1 );

int main( void )
{ //open main

 double time;
int i;
double TotalCharges=0, TotalTime=0;


for(i=1;i<=3;i++)   //there is 3 cars checkin
{  //open for

    scanf("%lf", &time);


    printf("%lf",calculateCharges(time) ); // fonks calculate

    TotalCharges+=calculateCharges(time);  // for total charge


    } // end for
}  // end main

double calculateCharges ( double time1 )
{  //open fonk

    double totalC=0;

if( time1<=3)       // untill 3 hours, for 2 dolars
{   //open if


}   //end if

else if(time1>3)      // after 3 hours, each hours cost 0.5 dolars
{    //open else if


}    //end else if

return totalC;
} // end fonk



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2 answers

As far as I know, this is a "problem" related to the terminal. When you type something in the terminal, your input is not sent to the program until you hit enter and type a new line.

What you need to do is change the behavior of the terminal so that whatever you enter is immediately sent to the program.

Have a look at this question, the top answer will show you how to do what you want to do: How to avoid typing press with any getchar ()



Standard C input functions only start processing input when you press the Enter key. Meanwhile, every key you press adds a character to the keyboard buffer.

So basically, when you use the scanf function, it doesn't read the buffer until the Enter key is pressed.

There are workarounds to pass this, but not with the C standard library.


Edit: The code below is not in line with the C standard libraries. However, it does what you ask :)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

double calculateCharges ( double time1 );

int main( void )
{ //open main

    double time;
    int i,j = 0;
    double TotalCharges=0, TotalTime=0;
    char chTime[10];


    for(i=1;i<=3;i++)   //there is 3 cars checkin
    {  //open for


        // Input the time
        j = 0;
        memset(chTime, '\0', 10);

        while ( 1 )
            chTime[j] = getch();

            // User pressed "Enter"?
            if ( chTime[j] == 0x0d )
                chTime[j] = '\0';

            printf("%d", atoi(&chTime[j]));

        // Convert to the correct type
        time = atoi(&chTime[0]);


        printf("\t%lf",calculateCharges(time) ); // fonks calculate

        TotalCharges+=calculateCharges(time);  // for total charge


        } // end for
}  // end main

double calculateCharges ( double time1 )
    {  //open fonk

        double totalC=0;

    if( time1<=3)       // untill 3 hours, for 2 dolars
    {   //open if


    }   //end if

    else if(time1>3)      // after 3 hours, each hours cost 0.5 dolars
    {    //open else if


    }    //end else if

    return totalC;
} // end fonk




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