Clustered @schedule annotations in Spring

My codebase is currently using a

crontab file to define a series of jobs in our Spring web application. Our quartz configuration now looks like this:



org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX


I recently fell in love with Spring annotation @scheduled

and would like to take advantage of it. There are many examples where we have some sort of bean job that essentially wraps a single service method - the annotations seem like they would remove a lot of templates and our code would be more legible as a result.

However, I cannot figure out how I can get the same guarantees from Spring Scheduling that we are doing with vanilla quartz right now. That is, setting up isClustered=true

and implementing a job store to use the backup database allows us to guarantee that our jobs will run once per cluster without doing something nasty like declaring a master node and checking hostnames, which is not even a good guarantee. for us, since we have a variable number of nodes. However, it seems like it should be possible. Spring planning is obviously very well aware of quartz and I have to imagine that there is a way to implement TaskScheduler

that will provide these guarantees.


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