Column max for each row in matrix

Consider the matrix:

M = [1.0 2.0 3.0; 5.0 4.0 3.0; 1.0 100.0 12.0]


I want to get the column of the maximum value in each row. Therefore it should be:

col = [3; 1; 2] 



M[1,3] -> 3.0;
M[2,1] -> 5.0;
M[3,2] -> 100.00;


It is easy to achieve in Octave:

[max, col] = max(M,[],2)


where col = [3; 2; 1].

In Julia, I can only find a function findmax

that returns the absolute index of the maximum element for each row. So it would be:

max, aindx = findmax(M,2)


where aindx = [7,2,6]

M [7] = 3.0; M [2] = 5.0; M [6] = 100;

Where can I find Julia equal for Octave max (M, [], 2)?

My current workaround:

max, aindx = findmax(M, 2);
col = zeros(msize[1], 1);
for i=1:msize[1] 
  _, col[i] = ind2sub(msize,aindx[i]);



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1 answer

Julia is findmax

more flexible than Octave max

: you can find the maximum in several measurements at the same time. As a consequence, it returns a linear index.

As you noted, you can use ind2sub

to calculate the desired index (s). If you use this a lot, you can define your "workaround" as a function to make it easy to use. You can put this function in yours .juliarc.jl

if you want it to be always available.



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