Using a setter as a parameter in C #? (Maybe with a delegate?)

We are working on an API for some hardware and I am trying to write some tests for it in C #. try-catch blocks for repetitive tasks made my code bloat and repetitive, so for getters I could wrap like this:

TestGetter(Func<int> method, double expectedVal)
    int testMe = 0;
        testMe = method();
        PassIfTrue(testMe == expectedVal);
    catch (Exception e)


So, I am querying hardware for some known value and comparison. I can call with:

TestGetter( () => myAPI.Firmware.Version, 24); //Or whatever.


It works well. But I'm not sure how to do the same with setters. That is, for the API to actually set the value (and not timeout or whatever when I try to set). I would like to pass the installer to a test method and call it there.

Bonus question: is there a way to do this with a generic type? There are certain custom types in the API, and I'm not sure of a good way to write these test wrappers for them without creating a new overloaded method for each type. Thanks for any help!


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2 answers

You can pass a function to both the receiver and the setter:

void TestSetter<T>(Func<T> getter, Action<T> setter, T value)
        PassIfTrue(EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(getter(), value));
    catch (Exception e)


This sets a value, then gets it and compared to the value passed to the installer.

You will have to call it like this:

TestSetter(() => myAPI.Firmware.Version, v => myAPI.Firmware.Version = v, 24);




You can make them generic like Reeds, but you need to use different comparison methods:

    public static void TestGetter<T>(Func<T> method, T expectedVal)
            T actual = method();
        catch (Exception ex)

    public static void TestSetter<T>(Action setMethod, Func<T> getMethod, T expectedVal)
            T actual = getMethod();
        catch (Exception ex)


You can also pass a Comparer action to check them if you don't think the method Equals

will work for the expected types.



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