Elasticsearch - Automatically import records from an Active Record model


  • Rails 4
  • Ruby 2
  • Elasticsearch 1.6.0

I am using Elasticsearch to filter records and calculate statistics for my Active Record models. I would like the Elasticsearch indexes to reflect my Postgres database, to import existing records into my indexes, new records are indexed as they are created, etc.

I have a problem that my two models include:

# app/models/concerns/foo.rb
module Foo
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    include Elasticsearch::Model
    include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks

    self.import force: true

  class_methods do
    def statistics(filter = {})
      # ES extended_stats aggregations

# app/models/bar.rb
# Same for another class
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Foo


However, when I open the Rails console and call Bar.statistics

, I get nil

in each field. If I then execute Bar.import force: true

then Bar.statistics

, I get the correct non-zero values ​​in my aggregation with extended statistics.

Something else that might be noteworthy: when I opened foo.rb in my Rails console using Pry and then exited, I ran into an error Cannot define multiple included blocks for a Concern

(although loading the app works fine).

Am I missing something to make my records automatically imported into ES?


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