Grouping by every hour for every weekday

I have a table orders

  id  |  price  |  items_count  |         created_at
   1  |  16.50  |      3        | 2015-07-21 12:52:00.824
   2  |  50.00  |      1        | 2015-07-21 12:54:42.658
   3  |  12.00  |     10        | 2015-07-22 07:21:47.808
   .  |   .     |      .        |             .
   .  |   .     |      .        |             .
   .  |   .     |      .        |             .



Now I want to get the number of orders and the sum of their prices from the last month, grouped by weekdays (as numbers from 0 to 6) and hours (as numbers from 0 to 23).

What I managed to do:

SELECT EXTRACT('dow' FROM to_timezone(created_at, 'CEST', 0)) AS DAY,
(EXTRACT('hour' FROM to_timezone(created_at, 'CEST', 0)) + 0)::INT % 24 AS HOUR,
COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS orders_count,
SUM(price) AS price_total
FROM orders
WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2015-06-30 22:00:00.000000'
AND '2015-07-31 21:59:59.999999'
GROUP BY extract('dow' from to_timezone(created_at, 'CEST', 0)),
EXTRACT('hour' from to_timezone(created_at, 'CEST', 0))
ORDER BY 1 ASC, EXTRACT('hour' from to_timezone(created_at, 'CEST', 0));


And this is what I get - the current result :

 day | hour | orders_count | price_total
   0 |    7 |           11 |    298.00
   0 |    9 |            8 |     64.00
   1 |    8 |            1 |     12.50
   1 |   12 |            3 |     69.00 
   2 |   10 |            2 |    112.00
   2 |   13 |            1 |    100.00
   2 |   14 |           13 |   2163.70
   2 |   21 |            4 |    357.00



Now I want to include all hours in the day and put 0

in columns orders_count

and price_total

if there were no orders at the given hour. So my desired output should look like this:

 day | hour | orders_count | price_total
   0 |    0 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    1 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    2 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    3 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    4 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    5 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    6 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    7 |           11 |    298.00
   0 |    8 |            0 |      0.00
   0 |    9 |            8 |     64.00
   0 |   10 |            0 |      0.00


etc. - I need 7 days [0,6]

and for each day 24 hours [0,23]

s 0

in cumulative columns.

I came up with a use generate_series

to get all hours in a day:

SELECT EXTRACT(hour from generate_series)
FROM generate_series('2015-07-01 00:00'::timestamp, '2015-07-01 23:00', '1 hour');


My problem is that I don't know how to combine my current result with all the clocks . What type JOIN

should I use? And how to insert 0

into the previously mentioned columns if there are no orders for the given row?


source to share

1 answer

  • Enter the Cartesian product of days and hours s CROSS JOIN


    to aggregated amounts for (day, hour)

    - handy with a suggestion USING

    to dump columns into one instance.

United in the leadership.

SELECT day, hour
     , COALESCE(orders_count, 0)  AS orders_count
     , COALESCE(price_total, 0.0) AS price_total
FROM         generate_series(0,6)  day
CROSS  JOIN  generate_series(0,23) hour
   SELECT EXTRACT('dow'  FROM created_at AT TIME ZONE 'CEST')::int AS day
        , EXTRACT('hour' FROM created_at AT TIME ZONE 'CEST')::int AS hour
        , count(DISTINCT id) AS orders_count
        , sum(price)         AS price_total
   FROM   orders
   WHERE  created_at BETWEEN '2015-06-30 22:00:00.000000'
                         AND '2015-07-31 21:59:59.999999'
   GROUP  BY 1, 2
   ) o USING (day, hour)
ORDER  BY 1, 2;


Also cleaned up your query a bit.
Using standard SQL construct AT TIME ZONE

instead of Postgres function to_timezone()

. Details:

Removed redundant modulo operator . % 24


to replace NULL

with 0

or 0.0




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