Assigning decimal value to individual C # employee

I am currently creating a payroll system. I have 5 or 6 employees and they each have a different hourly rate, how would I assign the hourly rate to each person?

At the moment I have something line by line (which is not correct) ...

string[] employeeID = {"Brian", "Richard", etc....};
decimal hourlyPay = 0.0M;

if (employeeID == "Brian")
  hourlyPay = 8.00M;




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3 answers

Try this code:

string[] employeeID = {"Brian", "Richard"};
decimal hourlyPay = 0.0M;
for (int i = 0; i < employeeID.Length; i++)
    if (employeeID[i] == "Brian")
        hourlyPay = 8.00M;



Always use a loop to loop through all the elements in the array and access them by index. When filling, changing elements, always use a loop.



You can create a dictionary,

var rates = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();



Or, in a more compact edition, using a collection initializer:

var rate = new Dictionary<string, decimal>
    {"Brian", 8.00M},


Using a dictionary, this is also the most efficient way to get the later hourly rate of each employee using EmployeeId. This is an O (1) operation.

If you don't like this approach, you can declare a class called Employee as shown below:

public class Employee
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public decimal HourlyRate { get; set; }

    public Employee(string id, decimal hourlyRate)
        Id = id;
        HourlyRate = hourlyRate;


Then, instead of an array with employee ids, you can define an array of objects Employee


var employees = new []
    new Employee("Brian", 8.00M),
    new Employee("Richard", 10.50M)


Thus, every time you create an employee, you must provide the Id and hourly rate.

How can I show the results?

Since you have chosen a class solution, I would prefer to overload the method ToString


public class Employee
    // The previous declarations, please see above.

    public string override ToString()
        return String.Format("Staff Name: {0}, Hourly Rate: {1}", Id, HourlyRate);


So when you call the instance employees[0].ToString()

, you get the following line:

"Staff Name: Brian, Hourly Rate: 8.00"




I guess it is very likely that you will need to assign other things to your employees (ex: Hours done per week, address, etc.), so instead of matching everything in a dictionary or other array, do Class

to store your employees' information:

public class Employee 
    public string EmployeeId { get; set; }
    public decimal HourlyPay { get; set; }


With a class, you can keep your model extensible, and if you need to store this information somewhere, it's easy to serialize it or map to a DB table.

You can keep all your employees on the list. To initialize them with a value, you do this:

List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
employees.Add(new Employee { EmployeeId = "Brian", HourlyPay = 8.0M });


To set the information at a later stage, simply get the employee with the appropriate ID and set their hourly wages:

employees.FirstOrDefault(e => e.EmployeeId == "Brian").HourlyPay = 8.0M;




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