Why does Stream.foldLeft use two elements before getting started?

foldLeft only needs one element from the collection before starting. So why is he trying to solve two of them? Can't it be a little lazier?

def stream(i: Int): Stream[Int] = 
  if (i < 100) {
    i #:: stream(i + 1)
  } else Stream.empty

scala> stream(97).foldLeft(0) { case (acc, i) => 
  acc + i

res0: Int = 294


I ask this because I have an embedded thread around a mutable priority queue where fold iteration can insert new members into the thread. It starts with one value and enters more values ​​during the first iteration. But these other values ​​are never seen because the stream was already resolved to empty

at position 2 before the first iteration.


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1 answer

Can only explain why this is happening. Here is the source of the stream #::

( Cons


final class Cons[+A](hd: A, tl: => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A] {
    override def isEmpty = false
    override def head = hd
    @volatile private[this] var tlVal: Stream[A] = _
    @volatile private[this] var tlGen = tl _
    def tailDefined: Boolean = tlGen eq null
    override def tail: Stream[A] = {
      if (!tailDefined)
        synchronized {
          if (!tailDefined) {
            tlVal = tlGen()
            tlGen = null



So you can see that it head

always evaluates (is not lazy). Here foldLeft


override final def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = {
  if (this.isEmpty) z
  else tail.foldLeft(op(z, head))(op)


You can see what is being called here tail

, which means that the "head of tail" (second item) is calculated automatically (as it requires your function stream

to be called again to generate the tail). So the best question is not "why the second" - the question is why stream

always evaluates its first element . I don't know the answer, but I believe the implementation of the scala library can only be improved by creating a head lazy

inside Cons

, so you can go through someLazyCalculation #:: stream(i + 1)


Note that your function stream

will be called twice anyway , but the second approach gives you the option to avoid the automatic calculation of the second head by providing some lazy value as the head. Smthng like this might work then (now it doesn't):

def stream(i: Int): Stream[Int] = 
  if (i < 100) {
    lazy val ii = {
    ii #:: stream(i + 1)
  } else Stream.empty


PS It's probably not a good idea to build (eventually) an immutable collection around a mutable one.



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