How to hide elements from Angular layout.html on some pages

So I am using ui-router and index.html as my layout, inside of them I have this div which will add other pages like:

I have this HTML which is my layout.html:

<html ng-app="myApp">
   <title> My layout.html </title>
    I have this NAVBAR
  <div ui-view></div> 


So if I access the "posts" pages Angular will add the code inside posts.html to <div ui-view></div>

Nothing out of the ordinary, right?

The question is, I have a 404.html template file that I don't want to show in the navigation bar. Is it possible to uncheck or hide the navbar if the page is 404.html?


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1 answer

I would create a controller for the navigation section.

.controller('NavCtrl', function($scope, $state) {
    $scope.$state = $state;


Then hide the navigation when the current state is 404:

<nav ng-controller="NavCtrl" ng-hide="$ == '404'">
    I have this NAVBAR




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