Math.Round produces different results depending on where it runs

I have the following line of code that produces 2 different results.

Given the following line

var rounded = Math.Round(415 * 0.01f, 1);


I would expect this to be rounded to 4.2 all the time. When I run this from a console application, I always get the expected output 4.2. If I put the same line in a unit test and run this test, I end up with 4.1. I also get 4.1 if the string is running on a windows service.

Any thoughts on why this would produce different value or how to get yourself to behave consistently?

Running this from visual studio 2013 on a 64 bit machine with .NET 4.5.


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2 answers

I had a similar problem many years ago. Some time after launch, my application calculated double values ​​with one precision and after a while with a different precision. It was very strange.

After a while, I realized that at some point the application initializes DirectX with the default flags, and the DX changes the FPU precision with double values ​​in turn.

So, as a tip, please check the related code for side effects. (check using DirectX, check using external unmanaged dll files)

PS: There is no magic. Don't be confused. And try to reduce the use of the decimal place. This is the slowest thing over OLE ...



var rounded = Math.Round(415 * 0.01d, 1);


you can use double to replace float

Lack of precision



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