Loop in AngularJS not working

I am trying a simple AngularJS loop using the "ng-repeat" directive as shown below:

<div ng-app="" ng-init="numbers=[1,3,5,2]">
       <li ng-repeat="item in numbers">{{ item }}</li>


The result of this as shown below is ideal

  • 1
  • 3
  • five
  • 2

However, when I change the 'numbers' array like this

<div ng-app="" ng-init="numbers=[1,3,5,2,2]">


is the rest as it is, it doesn't work.

The only change I made was that I added one more item to the array of numbers '2'. I figured out that whenever an item is repeated in the array (in this case "2") a problem occurs.

The console log I noticed looks like below

Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.14/ngRepeat/dupes?p0=item%20in%20numbers&p1=number%3A2&p2=2
    at Error (native)
    at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:6:417
    at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:232:494
    at Object.fn (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:122:53)
    at l.$get.l.$digest (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:123:138)
    at l.$get.l.$apply (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:126:58)
    at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:17:479
    at Object.e [as invoke] (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:36:315)
    at d (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:17:400)
    at tc (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js:18:179)


Also, if the array is of string type, the same problem persists as well.

For example, <div ng-app="" ng-init="names=['Bishnu', 'Sagar', 'John', 'Bishnu']">

in this case also I ran into the same problem.

This behavior in AngularJS is very strange.

Does anyone know the reason and how to solve it?


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4 answers

Try it...

The directive ngRepeat

instantiates the template once for an item from the collection. Each template instance gets its own scope, where the specified loop variable is set to the current item in the collection, and the item's $index

index or key.


makes appropriate changes to the DOM

When an element is added, a new template instance is added to the DOM. When an element is removed, its template instance is removed from the DOM. When elements are reordered, their respective templates are reordered in the DOM. By default, ngRepeat does not allow duplicate elements in arrays. This is because, when there are duplicates, it is not possible to maintain a one-to-one mapping between collection elements and DOM elements.

If you need to repeat repeating elements, you can replace the default tracking behavior with your own using track with the expression

<div ng-repeat="n in [42, 42, 43, 43] track by $index">


Refer: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngRepeat



According to Angular Docs Duplicates are not allowed. You need to use the 'track by' clause to specify unique keys.

Created by Plnkr for reference

<div ng-app="" ng-init="numbers=[1,3,5,2,2]">
       <li ng-repeat="item in numbers track by $index">{{ item }}</li>




You need to use track by $index

to repeat and re-record.



you can try like this

<div ng-repeat="value in [4, 4] track by $index">{{value}}</div>




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