The variable passed to the function is not set to the value assigned to it

To return the i-th digit to the left of a given number, I created this function:

int ith(unsigned long x, int i)
    int count=0;
    unsigned long y = x;

        y /= 10;
    } while (y > 0);
    if (i > count)
        return -1;
    count -= i;
    while (count > 0)
        x /= 10;
    return x % 10;



However, when the input for the function is 2.2. It took a long time for the function to be Finnish; so I looked in the debugger and noticed that count==54353453

and count

never get 0

which I assigned to it.

EDIT Here the rest of my code, as some of the suggested ones, might be the source of this error.

int main()
    int x, i,result;
        printf("Enter a number and the digit you want to retrieve.\nEnter a negative number to exit\n");
        scanf("%ul %d", &x, &i);
        if (x<0)
            printf("Operation Aborted.. Exiting....\n");
            result = ith(x, i);
            if (result == -1)
                printf("Error: There are no such amount of digits to retrieve from that location\n");
            printf("The %dth digit of the number %ul is %d\n", i, x, result);

    } while (x >= 0);



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1 answer

This line

scanf("%ul %d", &x, &i);


uses the wrong specifier to scan to x


As x

determined int

, it should be

scanf("%d %d", &x, &i);


or you define x

how unsigned long

, then it should be

scanf("%lu %d", &x, &i);


Same problem here:

printf("The %dth digit of the number %ul is %d\n", i, x, result);




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