Ember: dynamically add input fields on click and read new data

I have a page where I show the user a couple of questions and provide an input field for the answers. Also I have a button to add a question .

When he clicks this button, he can enter the question in the new input field and press "Save". so I need that when saving it, the newly entered question should also appear next to the questions already shown.

So I have questions in the model

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default  DS.Model.extend({
  challengeQuestions: DS.attr()


Then I'll add this to my controller and show two questions from the template.

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Controller.extend({

   addQuestion : false,

   questions : Ember.computed.alias('model.challengeQuestions'),

   actions : {
     postAnswer: function(){
        alert('prepare post data');

     addQuestion: function(){
       this.set('addQuestion', true);

     saveQuestion: function() {
       var que = this.get('newQuestion');

     cancel: function(){
       this.set('addQuestion', false);


And below is my template.

{{log questions}}
{{#each question in questions}}
        <span>{{question}} : </span>
        {{input placeholder="your answer"}}

{{#if addQuestion}}
    {{input placeholder="Enter your question" value=newQuestion}}
    <button {{action "saveQuestion"}}>Save</button> <button {{action      "cancel"}}>cancel</button>
    <button {{action 'addQuestion'}}>Add manual Question</button>

<button {{action 'postAnswer'}}>Submit</button>


So what I'm trying to do here is that when I add a new question and click the Save button, I enter the entered question string into the questions array in my controller. And I expected the template to be re-rendered since it will change.

I can see that the new line has been successfully added, but it does not appear in the UI. Any idea why?

Use the latest ember (1.13) and ember-cli.



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2 answers

You are using the wrong name for the alias property, use:

questions: Ember.computed.alias('model.securityQuestions')



questions: Ember.computed.alias('model.challengeQuestions')


Because there model.challengeQuestions

is undefined




It turned out to be pretty easy.




I had to write






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