Weighted average across multiple matrices - item by item

I have "mylist" - a list of matrices of the same size:

mylist <- vector("list", 5) 
for(i in 1:5){
  mylist[[i]] <- matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3)


I also have a vector of weights "mywgts" - the same length as "mylist"

mywgts <- c(0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2)


I need to calculate the weighted average of these matrices - element by element. The result will be a 3-by-3 matrix, where the first element is:

mylist[[1]][1,1]*mywgts[1] + mylist[[2]][1,1]*mywgts[2] + 
mylist[[3]][1,1]*mywgts[3] + mylist[[4]][1,1]*mywgts[4] + 


I know how to do this by iterating over all the elements of the matrix. But I am looking for a more economical / elegant R-shaped solution. Also - the actual length of "mylist" is not known in advance.

Thanks for any hint!


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1 answer

You may try

 res <- Reduce(`+`,Map(`*`, mylist, mywgts))
 #         [,1]       [,2]      [,3]
 #[1,]  0.6852912  0.2116715 0.7993867
 #[2,] -0.8815045 -1.9811868 1.2558095
 #[3,]  1.5150166  0.8780412 0.7254080



is a wrapper for mapply

which is a multidimensional version sapply

. The ( *

) function is applied to the matching elements of the first ("mylist") and the second elements ("mywgts"), and then uses them Reduce

to sum the matching elements list


If you need mean

, split it by the length of "mylist".



Using OP's computation

mylist[[1]][1,1]*mywgts[1] + mylist[[2]][1,1]*mywgts[2] + 
mylist[[3]][1,1]*mywgts[3] + mylist[[4]][1,1]*mywgts[4] + 
#[1] 0.6852912

mylist[[1]][1,2]*mywgts[1] + mylist[[2]][1,2]*mywgts[2] + 
mylist[[3]][1,2]*mywgts[3] + mylist[[4]][1,2]*mywgts[4] + 
#[1] 0.2116715




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