Taking slow mocha tests

Running unit tests takes a long time on my computer, but the post time from mocha is not too bad. If I run this command:

time mocha $(find src -type d -name "__tests__" -exec find {} -type f \;)


I get this result:

  1396 passing (4s)
  10 pending

mocha   20.31s user 1.15s system 85% cpu 25.115 total


You can see that it takes 4s to run the mocha tests, but the actual test run takes much longer (25 seconds). I can't imagine why it is so slow to find tests quickly:

find src -type d -name "__tests__" -exec find {} -type f \;  0.07s user 0.13s system 58% cpu 0.327 total


Any idea why this is so slow and how to make it faster?


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2 answers

I found a similar issue that was related to my antivirus software (Sophos) which has access file scanning enabled. Disabling this shortened total execution time from ~14.5s


Scanning enabled:

mocha index.test.js  1.18s user 0.29s system 9% cpu 14.747 total


With scan disabled:

mocha index.test.js  1.11s user 0.27s system 103% cpu 1.336 total




This was a different problem for me. I was running tests on SSHFS which caused a slowdown. A simple copy to a local directory solved the problem.



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