Is there a function that returns the corresponding response vector in the model.matrix?

In glmnet (), I have to specify the original X matrix and Y vector (other than lm, where you can specify the model formula). model.matrix () will correctly remove incomplete observations from matrix X, but will not include the answer in the output object. So I will have something like this:

glmnet(y = mydf$response, x = model.matrix(myformula, mydf)[,-1], ...)


When model.matrix removes cases, the y and x dimensions do not match. Is there a function to align data y into x?


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1 answer

Try using model.frame

and model.response


> d <- data.frame(y=rnorm(3), x=c(1,NA,2), z=c(NA, NA, 1))
> d
           y  x  z
1 -0.6257260  1 NA
2 -0.4979723 NA NA
3 -1.2233772  2  1
> form <- y~x
> mf <- model.frame(form, data=d)
> model.response(mf)
        1         3
-0.625726 -1.223377
> model.matrix(form, mf)
  (Intercept) x
1           1 1
3           1 2
[1] 0 1


I am not familiar with glmnet

, it may be that it is mf

enough just by going through y=mf[1,]

and x=mf[-1,]




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