How to send compressed string and unpack string in Django?

I am using django server and I want to post a compressed string and then unpack the string in django. My OS is Ubuntu14.04 and my python version is 2.7.6. My django answer function like this:

# coding=utf-8

import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
import zlib

def first_page(request):
    result = {
        "title": u"bye"
        param = request.POST["content"]
        a = param.encode("utf-8")
        param = zlib.decompress(a)
        result["result"] = param
    except Exception, e:
        print "error in line 21"
        print e
    result = json.dumps(result)
    response = HttpResponse(result, content_type="application/json")
    return response


Then I write a test case to test the function, the url of the function is "music_main_page", my test code is:

# coding=utf-8

__author__ = 'lizhihao'

import zlib
import httplib
import urllib

httpClient = None
    a = "hello world! what are you doing!"
    a = zlib.compress(a)
    params = urllib.urlencode(
            "content": a
    headers = {
        "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "Accept": "text/plain"
    httpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost", 8000, timeout=30)
    httpClient.request("POST", "/music_main_page", params, headers)
    response = httpClient.getresponse()
except Exception, e:
    print e
    if httpClient:


The program throws an exception: Error -2 while preparing to decompress data: inconsistent stream state

how to fix the error?


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1 answer

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the encoding. Try converting the unicode string you are getting from request.POST["content"]

to byte string before decompression (instead of .encode('latin-1')

instead .encode('utf-8')


This fixed it for me. I was too lazy to reproduce your error in a full Django project, although I used this to put your line through the example parsing steps:

>>> zlib.decompress(
...     bytes_to_text(
...         urlparse.parse_qsl(
...             urllib.urlencode({"content":
...                 zlib.compress("hello world! what are you doing!")
...             })
...         )[0][1].decode('iso-8859-1'), 'utf-8'
...     ).encode('utf-8')
... )


(Where is bytes_to_text

this one .

What do you get if you use a browser form instead of a script?

In any case, perhaps you shouldn't be sending compressed data to the content of the POSTed form. Its intended for clear Unicode text, which is something like what I see.

Instead, you can just send the compressed bytes as-is and use request.body

to read the data and then decompress. Or better yet, configure so that server side gzip compression works.



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