Setting up custom execution path for maven project in netbeans

I want to add a custom classpath when I run my maven project from inside netbeans. So far I've tried to add the following to the Run Project action in the project properties:

exec.args=-classpath %classpath;c:/QUASR/duplicateRemoval.jar;c:/QUASR/lib/QUASR.jar ${packageClassName} 

exec.args=-cp %classpath;c:/QUASR/duplicateRemoval.jar;c:/QUASR/lib/QUASR.jar ${packageClassName}

exec.args=-cp c:/QUASR/duplicateRemoval.jar;c:/QUASR/lib/QUASR.jar ${packageClassName}  


but not luck, the custom runtime classpath is not set.


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1 answer

You have to add a new profile run-with-netbeans

to your pom that declares additional dependencies (use scope provided

to not include them in release).

Then you will need to add a new profile to your IDE in order to run the pom with a parameter -P run-with-netbeans

on the command line.

    <!-- provided by default -->

            <!-- compile when running in IDE -->



The snippet above adds log4j only when working with a profile run-with-netbeans

. It also sets a property my-dynamic-scope

that can be used in your dependency block to change scope.

E.I.V. M.



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