Error starting AVD in Android Studio, ERROR says eglMakeCurrent error

emulator: device fd:668
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode
creating window 0 0 240 400
emulator: emulator window was out of view and was recentered
eglMakeCurrent failed


What happens to the eglMakeCurrent error?

Tried to
set window.x = 0 window.y = 0 ...
but window.x = 322 keeps returning ... I tried to change the resolution .... plus
can't even move the emulator..tried ALT + SPACE and "move" ... but can't move
it. Although the emulator can be run -


source to share

2 answers

In AVD Manager change Emulated Performance - Graphics to Software - GLES 2.0

I ran into this after setting up multiple monitors using different graphics cards.



In AVD Manager, change the boot option to Cold Boot . Then download the virtual device. After that, you can change it to Fast Boot . This usually happens when you change something and the changes are not being applied correctly.

Explanatory picture (hopefully)



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