Using IFNULL in sqlalchemy core

I am trying to use sqlalchemy core select rows from a table mysql

using IFNULL


Given the table:

id    int1    string1   other
1      7        NULL    other stuff
2      NULL     bar     more stuff 


In sql it will be something like:

SELECT IFNULL(int1, 0) AS int1, IFNULL(string1, '') AS string1 FROM table


Is this possible using the kernel? What would be great would be something like

s = select(ifnull(table.c.int1, 0), ifnull(table.c.string1, ''))



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2 answers

You should be able to use the func from sqlalchemy.sql like this for any database functions (I think ifnull depends on db, I use coalesce for postgresql):

from sqlalchemy.sql import select, func
# assuming you have imported table from somewhere!!

s = select([func.ifnull(table.c.int1, 0), func.ifnull(table.c.string1, '')])




PostgreSQL does not support if null

instead of ifnull () you can use func.coalesce ()

Syntax -

  func.coalesce(Table.field, default_value)


Example -

 func.coalesce(Order.price, 0)

 func.coalesce(, ' ')




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