Unable to access RabbitMQ admin page of RabbitMQ server running on Debian Wheezy instance in Google Compute Engine

I am using Debian Wheezy instance on Google Compute Engine. I have installed rabbitmq on the machine using:

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server


This shows that the server is running when I run the command:

sudo rabbitmqctl status


Then I also installed the management plugin using:

sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


Also uncomment the ulimit line in the server file /etc/default/rabbit-mq

and then restart rabbitmq usingsudo service rabbitmq-server restart

However, when I try to access the admin page using http: // [my_machine_ip]: 15672 , it shows a "web page not available" message. I also opened the tcp: 15672 port in the firewall for the network used by the VM instance. However, I cannot access the admin page.


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1 answer

Have you tried using http: // localhost: 15672 ? Your machine may not allow traffic over real IP ... but it should work through localhost

if the management plugin is running.

Have you rabbitmq-plugins list

run and make sure the management plugin is running? You should see something like this:

[E *] rabbitmq_management 3.5.1
[e *] rabbitmq_management_agent 3.5.1
[E *] rabbitmq_management_visualiser 3.5.1


means "Explicitly Enabled"

Finally, you may run into SELinux configuration issues. When I installed RMQ on Redhat Linux, I had to tell SELinux to allow RMQ ports, including the network management port.



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