New-AzureReservedIP: No default subscription assigned

I haven't used Azure PowerShell before, but now I run a command to have Azure reserve a static IP address:

New-AzureReservedIP -ReservedIPName "" -Label "people-dns-ip" -Location "US West"

And then I get this error: New-AzureReservedIP: No default subscription assigned.

So I was trying to figure out what is or is just set to the default ... using the Select-AzureSubscription command. I see that the BizSpark subscription name does not exist.

Not sure how to print the Get-AzureSubscription value to the screen, but my Azure portal says: BizSpark SUBSCRIPTION NAME

Any idea how to solve this? or maybe this setting is limited for BizSpark users ??


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2 answers

To use Azure Powershell in the first place, you must use


it will present you with a popup where you can login with your azure credentials. this way you will connect to your Azure subscription in Azure Powershell



You need to add your azure asset management account:

If for some reason method 1 doesn't work, try method 2.

Method 1:

In powershell, run:



Method 2:

In powershell, run:



Sign in to the Windows Azure Management Portal and follow the instructions to download the Windows Azure Publishing Settings.

Again in powershell, run:

Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile <mysettings>.publishsettings


Replace the name of the settings file you downloaded in the previous step and correct the path if necessary.



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