Computer lags when editing build.gradle

I am using android studio 1.2.2. As far as I understand, build.gradle files control project settings. So if I want to add additional "* .jar" files depending on the project, I would edit the gradle files.

So, when I double click on a file to open it, in Android studio, Android freezes for a few seconds. When the files are finally opened my cpu goes 100% and it stays there until gradle resyncs again.

This problem has persisted for a long time. It's really annoying because I'm running away from a 2.2ghz quad core and when it runs at 100% it makes really loud noise. Also, Android Studio is lagging behind so much that it no longer responds to my keystrokes.

As a side note, my project is very large and has a lot of gradle files due to the use of libGDX in my project.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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