Teeno graph calculator is slower than numpy

I am learning to use anano. I want to populate a term-document (matrix sparse matrix) matrix by calculating a binary TF-IDF for each element inside it:

import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
from time import perf_counter

def tfidf_gpu(appearance_in_documents,num_documents,document_words):
    start = perf_counter()
    APP = T.scalar('APP',dtype='int32')
    N = T.scalar('N',dtype='int32')
    SF = T.scalar('S',dtype='int32')
    F = (T.log(N)-T.log(APP)) / SF
    TFIDF = theano.function([N,APP,SF],F)
    ret = TFIDF(num_documents,appearance_in_documents,document_words)
    end = perf_counter()
    print("\nTFIDF_GPU ",end-start," secs.")
    return ret

def tfidf_cpu(appearance_in_documents,num_documents,document_words):
    start = perf_counter()
    tfidf = (np.log(num_documents)-np.log(appearance_in_documents))/document_words
    end = perf_counter()
    print("TFIDF_CPU ",end-start," secs.\n")
    return tfidf


But the numpy version is much faster than theano's implementation:

Progress 1/43
TFIDF_GPU  0.05702276699594222  secs.
TFIDF_CPU  1.454801531508565e-05  secs.

Progress 2/43
TFIDF_GPU  0.023830442980397493  secs.
TFIDF_CPU  1.1073017958551645e-05  secs.

Progress 3/43
TFIDF_GPU  0.021920352999586612  secs.
TFIDF_CPU  1.0738993296399713e-05  secs.

Progress 4/43
TFIDF_GPU  0.02303648801171221  secs.
TFIDF_CPU  1.1675001587718725e-05  secs.

Progress 5/43
TFIDF_GPU  0.02359767400776036  secs.
TFIDF_CPU  1.4385004760697484e-05  secs.



I read that it could be due to overhead, which for small operations can lead to poor performance.

Is my code bad or should I avoid using the GPU due to overhead?


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1 answer

The point is that you collect your Theano function every time. Compilation takes time. Try to pass the compiled function like this:

def tfidf_gpu(appearance_in_documents,num_documents,document_words,TFIDF):
    start = perf_counter()
    ret = TFIDF(num_documents,appearance_in_documents,document_words)
    end = perf_counter()
    print("\nTFIDF_GPU ",end-start," secs.")
    return ret

APP = T.scalar('APP',dtype='int32')
N = T.scalar('N',dtype='int32')
SF = T.scalar('S',dtype='int32')
F = (T.log(N)-T.log(APP)) / SF
TFIDF = theano.function([N,APP,SF],F)



Also your TFIDF task is a bandwidth intensive task. Theano and GPUs in general are best suited for intensive computing.

The current task will be a significant overhead, taking data to and from the GPU, because in the end you will need to read each element O (1) times. But if you want to do more computation, it makes sense to use a GPU.



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