Django admin error admin.E008 Field field value must be a list or tuple
I am getting this error after writing a custom admin model for a custom user I created. Here is the code for User Admin:
class MyUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
form = UserChangeForm
fieldsets = (
('Personal Details', {
'fields': (
('emp_first_name', 'emp_last_name'),
('emp_gender', 'emp_dob', 'emp_marital_status'),
('emp_email_id', 'emp_mobile'),
('Company Details', {
'fields': (
('emp_desk_ph', 'emp_pcname', 'emp_current_location'),
('emp_comp_join_date', 'emp_account_join_date'),
('emp_farewell_date', 'emp_company_termination_date', 'emp_account_termination_date', 'emp_relocation_date'),
('Permission', {
'fields': (
('Password Details',{'fields' : ('password')}),)
After running the makemigrations command, I get this error:
SystemCheckError: The system check revealed some problems:
ERRORS :: (admin.E008) The value 'fieldsets [1] [' fields ']' must be a list or a tuple.
Please help me with this. Spent a lot of time on this one. thanks in advance
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