PHP gives me different results with the same values ​​only in different ways

This is my code:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
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 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><title>Day Calculator V 2.0</title>
<h1><p class="text-center"><strong>Esta es una calculadora de dias, funciona seleccionando de que mes a que mes quieres calcular los dias. </strong></p></h1>
<form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" method=post>
<div class="center-block text-center nofloat">
    <input type=radio id="rad1" class="" name="tipfech" onclick="var divOne = document.getElementById('1');'hidden'" value="actual" checked> Usar fecha actual<br>
<div class="center-block text-center nofloat">
  <input type=radio id="rad2" name="tipfech" onclick="var divOne = document.getElementById('1');'visible'" value="fecha"> Seleccionar fecha </div>
  <div id="1" class="text-center">
    var divOne = document.getElementById('1');'hidden';
    <input class="formachica form-control center-block" type="date" name="date1">
  <div class="text-center">
    <input class="formachica form-control center-block" type="date" name="date2">
<input type=submit class="center-block btn btn-primary" value="Submit"/>
<div id="3" class="text-center">
$tipfech = $_POST[tipfech];
$da1 = $_POST[date1];
$da2 = $_POST[date2];
if ($tipfech == "actual"){
    $yr1 = date("Y");
    $month = date("m");
    $day1 = date("d");
    $date1 = new DateTime("$yr1-$month-$day1");
$date1 = new DateTime("$da1");
$date2 = new DateTime("$da2");
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
echo "Son " . $interval->y . " aΓ±os, " . $interval->m." meses, ".$interval->d." dias "; 

// shows the total amount of days (not divided into years, months and days like above)
echo "<br/>"."Son " . $interval->days . " dias ";


My "fecha actual" is the current date, so when I select this option on, say 02/08/2015 (dd-mm-yy) and the second date is 04/08/2015, it returns one day, but if i select the first date manually (same 02/08/2015) it returns two days.

Examples: (there are photos, since I can put it in the mail because of my low reputation)

Why is this happening?

Thanks for the advanced one.

Example 1: Example 1 Example 2:Example 2


source to share

2 answers

You are always overriding $date1


if ($tipfech == "actual"){
    $yr1 = date("Y");
    $month = date("m");
    $day1 = date("d");
    $date1 = new DateTime("$yr1-$month-$day1");
$date1 = new DateTime("$da1");


If you don't manually fill in the start date then it new DateTime

is created with an argument NULL

. It returns the current date, but with the actual time.

This will round off the day of the calculation (because it is less than 48 hours).



Fixed due to chumkiu . I added:

  if ($tipfech !== "actual"){
    $date1 = new DateTime("$da1");


Please excuse the noob error, thanks!



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