How to add string to url in mvc?

Scenario: - I have url in the following pattern: -

local: 8080 / albums /

  name: "AlbumHome",
  url : "Albums/{*albumName}"
  defaults: new {controller = "Albums", action="Index", albumName = ""}


Now in my action I am getting the album name from DB, now how do I add the album name to the url.

I want the url to be like this: -

localhost: 8080 / albums / hindi
localhost: 8080 / albums / kanada


public ActionResult GetAlbumName()
  //get the albumName from db
   return RedirectToRoute("AlbumHome",albumName);

public ActionResult Index(string albumName)
   return view();


How to add this AlbumName to url?


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2 answers

You got it almost right!

There is an overload for RedirectToRoute

that allows you to add route values ​​as a parameter object

. In your example, it would look like this:

public ActionResult GetAlbumName()
  //get the albumName from db
   return RedirectToRoute("AlbumHome", new { albumName });


You can also define your route more clearly like this:

  name: "AlbumHome",
  url : "Albums/{albumName}"
  defaults: new {controller = "Albums", action="Index", albumName = UrlParameter.Optional }




var context = new RequestContext(
    new HttpContextWrapper(System.Web.HttpContext.Current),
    new RouteData());
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(context);
var url = urlHelper.Action("albumName", "Albums", null);
return Redirect(url);




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