Xposed_init ClassNotFoundException

I have successfully installed Xposed on my device and I am trying to compile a module to test its functionality.

I followed this tutorial and I am stuck. I created an xposed_init file in the assets folder and added a link to my Test class. (The link should be correct as I right-clicked and selected "Copy Link")

When I run the module and reboot the device, if I go to the posted logs, the result is "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class not found ..."

What could ever go wrong? Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

It's pretty straightforward. There is no jar included in your runtime class. The console you included in the build path from eclipse is not available at runtime, but only at build time.

Like the author, here ,

This advanced startup process adds an extra jar to the classpath and calls methods from there in specific places.



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