Knowing that the push notification permission prompt on iOS has been shown in the past

I want to write new logic about how my app asks users for Push Notifications permission.

This involves showing the user a new screen before asking for permission.

Also, I want old users who have updated their app and already see the system prompt will not see this new screen.

How can I check that the user has already seen the prompt to allow push notifications?


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2 answers

Since iOS 10 it is now possible

 UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (notificationSettings:UNNotificationSettings) in 
if notificationSettings.authorizationStatus != .notDetermined {
    // push notifications permission prompt on iOS has been shown in the past





With the iOS SDK, you can only check if push notifications are enabled. Prior Ios 8

UIRemoteNotificationType types = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] enabledRemoteNotificationTypes];
if (types != UIRemoteNotificationTypeNone){ has enabled notifications} 


from ios 8

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications]


Unable to check if one push notification invitation was shown once and the user declined it.



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