"CREATE" in Python String throwing KeyError with "class"

I am trying to create a command class for Cassandra (NoSQL database) using "Python-Driver". You can use session.execute()

to run SQL commands on your database. Anyway, I am trying to create a function to create a keyspace.

Here is the code:

def createKeySpace(self, title, class_type='SimpleStrategy', replication_factor='3'):
    self.session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE {} WITH REPLICATION = \
    { 'class' : '{}', 'replication_factor' : {} };\
    ".format(title, class_type, replication_factor))


The problem is, if I try to use this function, I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "db_commands.py", line 12, in createKeySpace
    ".format('CREATE', title, class_type, replication_factor))
KeyError: " 'class' "


Something I think is worth noting: I noticed that the character =

on my string in Sublime Text is red and the normal String color is yellow. If I pull "CREATE" from the string, the equal sign reverts to yellow!

Is this because Python already recognizes CREATE as SQL syntax and doesn't like how I declare String with .format ()? Any help would be great! :)


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2 answers

When used, format

you need to avoid curly braces which are meant to be literal curly braces, like

    {{ 'class' : '{}', 'replication_factor' : {}  }};".format('a','b','c')




You have an error in your string.format syntax - you get the same error, just try to format that string the way you do.


print("CREATE KEYSPACE {} WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : '{}', 'replication_factor' : {} };".format(title, class_type, replication_factor))

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 3, in <module>
KeyError: " 'class' "


The problem is that you need to double the literals {

and to do this }


{{ 'class' : '{}', 'replication_factor' : {} }};\
".format(title, class_type, replication_factor))

CREATE KEYSPACE Title WITH REPLICATION =     { 'class' : 'Class_Type',       'replication_factor' : Rep_Factor };  


Check How can I print literal shapes in curly braces in a python string and also use .format on it? for more details.



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