How the rose tree unfolds (from origami programming)

I read the article Origami Programming by Jeremy Gibbons and I am having a hard time understanding how the functions unfoldR

and unfoldF

for Rose Trees


In the document, the type Rose Tree

is defined as:

data Rose α = Node α (Forest α)
type Forest α = List (Rose α)


The functions unfoldR

and unfoldF

are mutually recursive and are defined as:

unfoldR :: (β → α) → (β → List β) → β → Rose α
unfoldR f g x = Node (f x) (unfoldF f g x)

unfoldF :: (β → α) → (β → List β) → β → Forest α
unfoldF f g x = mapL (unfoldR f g) (g x)


It looks like, barring a few small edge cases, these functions will return endlessly. How do these two mutually recursive functions end up?


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1 answer

They don't necessarily end!

The definitions unfoldR

and unfoldF

form a co-inductive function of types Rose

and, Forest

respectively. Co-induction is a double structural induction. Coinductive functions are designed to create infinite data structures that will later be consumed through a recursive function.

Because of Haskell's lazy evaluation, we can define and create an infinite mutually recursive data structure Rose

and Forest

by applying the function f :: (β → α)

and g :: (β → List β)

and an initial "seed" x :: β

for any unfoldR

and unfoldF


Then we would use an infinite data structure with another recursive function h :: Rose -> γ

Matching example undefined:

f :: (β → α)
f = undefined
g :: (β → List β) 
g = undefined
x :: β
x = undefined
h :: Rose -> γ
h = undefined

result :: γ
result = h $ unfoldR f g x


This result

will evaluate the computation over an infinite structure. But if it's an infinite data structure, how h

does it end ? How can you result


While this unfoldR f g x

will lead to an infinite structure, h

only a finite subset of the search space will be searched and therefore result

can be estimated.

Note. We can also define f

, g

and x

to create a finite structure, it does not have to be infinite



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