Unable to Install MvvmCross Package in Class Library (Portable) - PCL

System : Education in Windows 10

IDE : Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise

Description : An attempt to make a project from the MvvmCross course ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGup08cz7LM&list=PLR6WI6W1JdeYSXLbm58jwAKYT7RQR31-W&index=2 ) with exactly the same steps.

When I create a new Class Library (Portable) project , I want to add the MvvmCross "Getting Started" package , but all I get after a few seconds of installation is an error

Install-Package : Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\{User Name}\.nuget\packages\MvvmCross.HotTuna.StarterPack\3.5.1\content\portable-win%2Bnet45%2Bwp8%2Bwin8%2Bwpa81\ViewModels\FirstViewModel.cs.pp'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package mvvmcross
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand


I tried to start VS as administrator, restart the system, install NuGet via command, install NuGet via GUI and repeat everything, but the result was exactly the same. What can I do about it? Please, help: (


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1 answer

I have not found an answer to this question.
I uninstalled Enterprise Visual Studio and installed Community 2015.

However, after updates released by Microsoft on Visual Studio (and after several MvX updates, I think) the problem went away, but I can't guarantee that the problem went away in the Enterprise version.

I currently have:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015

Version 14.0.24720.00 Update 1

Here are the simple steps to create a new PCL project with a successful outcome of the current problem:

Step 1: (choosing a template)
Selecting a PCL Template

Step 2: (API setup)
Setting up portable APIs

Step 3A: (install MvX package - stability version 3.5.1)
Finding the MvX version on NuGet Result A:
Reporting results
Decision tree

Step 3B: (Installing MvX Package - Preview 4.0.0-beta8)
Finding the MvX version on NuGet Result B:
Reporting results
Decision tree

Let me know if the Enterprise version issue is resolved
and sorry for the image spam.



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