How do I join the elements in the array while still keeping the double quote?

I am reading the book Rebuilding Rails. In a small ORM chapter, it uses sqlite3 stones to communicate with a sqlite database. my_table database structure

create table my_table (
 posted INTEGER,
 title VARCHAR(30),
 body VARCHAR(32000));


and the code that inserts into my_table in the .rb file:

DB.execute <<-SQL
    INSERT INTO #{table} (#{keys.join ","})
    VALUES (#{vals.join ","});
# vals=>["1", "It happend!", "It did!"]


But the sql statement it is addressing would be as follows:

 "INSERT INTO my_table (posted,title,body)\n     VALUES (1,It happend!,It did!);\n"


This will result in a syntax error due to missing double quotation with "It happened!" and "It was!"

and I check the doc finding that Array # join is returning a string created by converting each element of the array to a string. Therefore, the double quote elements in the array will be converted to string and lose the double quote. And throw sql syntax error.

How to solve this?

Any help would be appreciated! Thank!


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2 answers

You don't have to do things like this yourself. Unfortunately the mysql2

gem (which I assume you are using) does not support prepared statements, this is how you should do it; but there are several other gems you can use to add functionality.

One mysql-cs-bind

that is very simple and just adds it to mysql2


client.xquery(<<-SQL, vals)
    INSERT INTO #{table} (#{keys.join ","})
    VALUES (#{ { "?" }.join(",")});


Another is the use of a more general gem, such as sequel

one that gives you a lot of functionality across a variety of databases, not just MySQL.

The reason you shouldn't be doing it yourself is because

  • Problem solved
  • It's easy to make a mistake.
  • Bobby Tables can visit your site.

If you absolutely need to do it yourself:

db.execute <<-SQL
    INSERT INTO #{table} (#{keys.join ","})
    VALUES (#{ { |val|
        case val
        when String
        when Date, Time, DateTime
      }.join(', ')


(Not sure what format MySQL wants its date / time values ​​in, so may need to be configured)

EDIT: SQLite3 fortunately provides prepared statements and placeholders.

DB.execute <<-SQL, *vals
    INSERT INTO #{table} (#{keys.join ","})
    VALUES (#{ { "?" }.join(",")});


EDIT: silly with map

. Thank you Jordan.



You should avoid using string interpolation ( #{...}

) when building SQL queries. Apart from problems like the ones you are experiencing, this is a great way to open up SQL injection attacks.

You should use parameter binding instead. This allows the database itself to take care of sanitizing and quoting your values ​​correctly and safely, so you don't have to worry about that.

In your case, it will look like this:

vals = [ "1", "It happened!", "It did!" ]
query = <<SQL
  INSERT INTO my_table (posted, title, body)
  VALUES (?, ?, ?);

DB.execute(query, vals)


You can shorten this a bit:

DB.execute <<-SQL, vals
  INSERT INTO my_table (posted, title, body)
  VALUES (?, ?, ?);


When the request is executed, the placeholders ?

will be replaced with the corresponding values, sanitized and quoted in the array you supply as the second argument.

You may have noticed by now that this is not entirely equivalent to your code, because I have hardcoded the table names and column names. A limitation of SQLite is that you cannot do parameter binding for such identifiers. What to do then? If you are getting column names from an untrusted source (like a web request from an end user) and therefore cannot simply program them into your query, you will have to compromise. Probably the best thing you can do is have a whitelist:

column_whitelist = %w[ posted title body ]

unless keys.all? {|key| column_whitelist.include?(key) }
  raise "Invalid column name '#{key}'!"


You will want to do something like this for table_name

if it comes from an unreliable source.

Once you've checked the table and column names, you can safely use them in your query:

column_names = keys.join(", ")
placeholders = { "?" }.join(", ")

DB.execute <<-SQL, vals
  INSERT INTO #{table_name} (#{column_names})
  VALUES (#{placeholders});


PS If there are spaces, quotes, or any other special characters in the table or column names, you will need to escape and quote them. This means to avoid any double quotes by preceding them with another double quote ( "

becomes ""

) and then surrounding the whole with double quotes. A helper method like this could do it:

def escape_and_quote_identifier(str)
  sprintf('"%s"', str.gsub(/"/, '""'))


Then you want to apply it to your table and column names:

table_name = escape_and_quote_identifier(table_name)
column_names = {|key| escape_and_quote_identifier(key) }
                 .join(", ")
placeholders = { "?" }.join(", ")

DB.execute <<-SQL, vals
  INSERT INTO #{table_name} (#{column_names})
  VALUES (#{placeholders});




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