How can I simplify the API without sacrificing dependency injection?

Let's say I have a Rectangle class. To use it, I would do:

$rectangle = new Rectangle( 100, 50, new Color('#ff0000') );


However, since it will be a public API, I want to keep it as simple as possible for end users. Preferably it will just accept the sixth line:

$rectangle = new Rectangle( 100, 50, '#ff0000');


Now the problem is I need to instantiate a Color object inside the Rectangle class

class Rectangle {

    protected $width;
    protected $height;
    protected $fillColor;

    function __construct( $width, $height, $fillColor ){
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;
        $this->fillColor = new Color( $fillColor );


Learning about dependency injection is considered bad. Or that? What's the best approach?


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1 answer

I would use a factory class that takes an array of (possibly) arguments and returns a finished Rectangle object instance. There are many possibilities for how to do this, depending on your design and API specification.

class MyAPIFactory
    public function createRectangle($params)
        // do some checks of the params
        $color = new Color($params['color']);
        Rectangle = new Rectangle($params['width'], $params['height'], $color);
        return $color;


Further, depending on your needs and design, you can choose between Factory Method

or Abstract Factory

. Let's say you have interface GeometricalShape

and class Rectangle implements GeometricalShape

and also class Circle implements GeometricalShape

for the first you can use something like

class MyApiFactory
    public static function createRectangle(array $params) { /*...*/ }
    public static function createCircle(array $params) { /*...*/ }



abstract class ShapeFactory
     * @return GeometricalShape
    abstract public function createInstance(array $params);
    abstract protected function checkParams(array &$params);

class RectangleFactory extends ShapeFactory
    public function createInstance(array $params)
        // ...    

    protected function checkParams(array &$params)
        if(empty($params['width'])) {
            throw new Exception('Missing width');
        if (empty($params['height'])) {
            throw new Exception('Missing height');
        // you could even make color optional
        if (empty($params['color'])) {
            $params['color'] = Color::DEFAULT_COLOR;





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