Pass multiple arguments to sys.stdout.write

Can multiple arguments be passed to sys.stdout.write

? All the examples I've seen use one parameter.

The following statements are incorrect.

sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d" % read num_lines)
Syntax Error: sys.stdout.write

sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d" % read, num_lines)
not enough arguments for format string

sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d" % read, %num_lines)
Syntax Error: sys.stdout.write

sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d" % read, num_lines)
not enough arguments for format string


What should I do?


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1 answer

You need to put variables in a tuple:

>>> read=1
>>> num_lines=5
>>> sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d" % (read,num_lines))
1 of 5>>> 


Or use the method str.format()


>>> sys.stdout.write("\r{} of {}".format(read,num_lines))
1 of 5


If your arguments are inside an iteration, you can use an unboxing operation to pass them to the string attribute format()


In [18]: vars = [1, 2, 3]
In [19]: sys.stdout.write("{}-{}-{}".format(*vars))




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