Pandas calculate roll_std from top N rows of data

I have a dataframe like this:

date      A
2015.1.1  10
2015.1.2  20
2015.1.3  30
2015.1.4  40
2015.1.5  50
2015.1.6  60


I need to capitalize std from the top N lines, for example:

date      A  std
2015.1.1  10  std(10)
2015.1.2  20  std(10,20)
2015.1.3  30  std(10,20,30)
2015.1.4  40  std(10,20,30,40)
2015.1.5  50  std(10,20,30,40,50)
2015.1.6  60  std(10,20,30,40,50,60)


pd.rolling_std is used to do this, however, how do I change N dynamically?

df[['A']].apply(lambda x:pd.rolling_std(x,N))


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 75 entries, 2015-04-16 to 2015-07-31
Data columns (total 4 columns):
A    75 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4)
memory usage: 2.9+ KB



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1 answer

This can be done by calling apply

df like this:

In [29]:
def func(x):
    return df.iloc[ + 1][x.index].std()
df['std'] = df[['A']].apply(func, axis=1)
       date   A        std
0  2015.1.1  10        NaN
1  2015.1.2  20   7.071068
2  2015.1.3  30  10.000000
3  2015.1.4  40  12.909944
4  2015.1.5  50  15.811388
5  2015.1.6  60  18.708287


This uses double indices [[]]

to call apply

on the df with one column, this allows you to pass param axis=1

so you can call the function row-wise, then you have access to the index attribute, which is name

and the column name attribute is equal index

, this allows you to slice your df to calculate the sliding std


You can add the arg window to func

to change the window as desired


It looks like your index is str, the following should work:

In [39]:
def func(x):
    return df.ix[ ][x.index].std()
df['std'] = df[['A']].apply(lambda x: func(x), axis=1)

           A        std
2015.1.1  10        NaN
2015.1.2  20   7.071068
2015.1.3  30  10.000000
2015.1.4  40  12.909944
2015.1.5  50  15.811388
2015.1.6  60  18.708287




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