Elegant way to change control visibility in wpf

I find more questions on this topic, but I don't find an answer.

I need to change the visibility on a control click.

In a win form application, if I am correct, I can use something like:

somecontrol.Visible = !somecontrol.Visible;


But when the application is wpf

, I cannot use this way.

Is there a way to do this in a somewhat "graceful" way, then if-else




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3 answers

WPF UIElement.Visibility has 3 states; Visible / Hidden / Collapsed.

When hidden, the control will still affect the layout of the surrounding controls; items set to Visibility Collapsed do not take up layout space.

You can switch between visible and hidden, or reset.

somecontrol.Visibility = somecontrol.Visibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;




In WPF, the property you are trying to change is called Visibility and you can use it as described below.

uiElement.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    // Visibility.Collapsed;
                    // Visibility.Visible;


States interact as already mentioned in @Glen. What do you mean by ..

Is there a way to do this in something "graceful" way and then-else?

If you don't want to write the whole construct, just use the shorter form.

uiElement.Visibility = uiElement.Visibility == Visibility.Visible // condition
    ? Visibility.Collapsed // if-case
    : Visibility.Visible;  // else-case




A natural option in the context of WPF is to use the MVVM pattern. So you have a control like

<Button Content="I'm a button"
        Visibility={Binding BtnVis} />


And in your DataContext you will have a public property that you can set as you wish.

class DataContext
    public Visibility BtnVis { get; set; }


Another common option is to use a converter, because perhaps in your ViewModel you would like to have a bool property, not UIElement.Visibility




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