Create lme object inside function


I am trying to set a mixed model in a function based on some parameters. If I want to use contrast

from library(contrast)

, I have to use a workaround, since it contrast

uses the slot call

from the object lme

to define the arguments data

, fixed

or random

is passed to lme

in functions (see code). This, by the way, does not apply to the object lm



dat <- data.frame(x = runif(100), y1 = rnorm(100), y2 = rnorm(100),
                  grp = factor(sample(2, 100, replace = TRUE)))



makeMixedModel1 <- function(resp, mdat = dat) {
   mF <- formula(paste(resp, "x", sep = "~"))
   mdat <- mdat[resp > 0, ]
   mod <- lme(mF, random = ~ 1 | grp, data = mdat)
   mC <- mod$call
   mC$fixed <- mF
   mC$data <- mdat
   mod$call <- mC

makeMixedModel2 <- function(resp, mdat = dat) {
   mF <- formula(paste(resp, "x", sep = "~"))
   mdat <- mdat[resp > 0, ]
   lme(mF, random = ~ 1 | grp, data = mdat)

mm1 <- makeMixedModel1("y1")
mm2 <- makeMixedModel2("y1")
contrast(mm1, list(x = 1)) ## works as expected
# lme model parameter contrast
#   Contrast      S.E.      Lower     Upper    t df Pr(>|t|)
#  0.1613734 0.2169281 -0.2692255 0.5919722 0.74 96   0.4588

contrast(mm2, list(x = 1)) ## gives an error
# Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'mF' not found



I traced the error down to the part where contrast

evaluating the slot fixed

in the slot call


is equal mF

, which of course is not known at the top level since it was only defined inside my function makeMixedModel2

. The workaround in this makeMixedModel1

eliminates the fact that by explicitly rewriting the appropriate slots in call


Apparently, for objects lm

this is solved in a more reasonable way, since there is no need to perform manual overwrite, since contrast

it seems to tempt all the parts in the correct context, although, of course, mF

and mdat

also not known:

makeLinearModel <- function(resp, mdat = dat) {
   mF <- formula(paste(resp, "x", sep = "~"))
   mdat <- mdat[resp > 0, ]
   lm(mF, data = mdat)
contrast(makeLinearModel("y1"), list(x = 1))


So my guess is that it lm

stores values formula

and data

somewhere, so in can be retrieved in different environments as well.

I can live with my workaround, although it has some ugly side effects as it print(mm1)

shows all data instead of simple names. So my question is, are there any other strategies for getting what I intend? Or do I need to write to a co-worker contrast

and ask him if he can change the code for the objects lme

so that hes no longer rely on the slot call

but tries to fix the problem otherwise (how is it done for lm



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1 answer

I think what you are fighting is just a mistake contrast()

for lme

objects. I would contact the author to fix it (this may be the result of a recent change with help nlme

). But at the same time, you can avoid side effects by implementing your workaround in a function contrast.lme()

rather than a model building function:

contrast.lme <- function(fit, ...) {
   mC <- fit$call
   mC$fixed <- formula(fit) 
   mC$data <- fit$data
   fit$call <- mC

   contrast:::contrastCalc(fit, ...)
assignInNamespace("contrast.lme", contrast.lme, "contrast")

mm2 <- makeMixedModel2("y1")

contrast(mm2, list(x = 1))



lme model parameter contrast

  Contrast      S.E.      Lower     Upper    t df Pr(>|t|)
 0.1613734 0.2169281 -0.2692255 0.5919722 0.74 96   0.4588






Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: mdat 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -136.2472
  Fixed: mF 
(Intercept)           x 
 -0.1936347   0.3550081 

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | grp
        (Intercept)  Residual
StdDev:    0.131666 0.9365614

Number of Observations: 100
Number of Groups: 2




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