Semantic user interface content from API

I am using Semantic UI 2.0 and am trying to use the data returned from the API to create parameters inside my dropdown.

For the dropdown itself, I am using code that is the same as this code shown in the Semantic UI documentation:

<div class="ui search selection dropdown select-city">
  <input type="hidden" name="city">
  <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
  <div class="default text">Select City</div>


I have a service that returns json formatted cities and then the Semantic UI shows in the console that the result was successful in all 261 cities:

"Using specified url"   ["/cities/"]    1648
"Querying URL"  ["/cities/"]    0
"Sending request"   [undefined, "get"]  0
"Successful API Response"   [Object { success=true, results=[261]}]


The / cities endpoint returns json formatted as:

{"success":true,"results":[{"description":"Opole","data-value":1},{"description":"Wrocław","data-value":2},{"description":"Warszawa","data-value":3},{"description":"Budapest","data-value":4},{"description":"Köln","data-value":5}, ...]}


It looks like the Semantic UI doesn't directly understand the json format.

I've tried many json attribute formats, even trying to modify the html a bit. For example, tried adding an empty one <div class="menu">

at the bottom of the list, hoping the Semantic UI would fill it, e.g .:

<div class="ui search selection dropdown select-city">
  <input type="hidden" name="city">
  <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
  <div class="default text">Select City</div>
  <div class="menu"></div>


I am trying to match the format of the attributes with the example tags , for example using the data-value attribute.

But that didn't work either, I saw Semantic UI check for this in source code, so it doesn't make any difference, In the end my problem persists and no items are inserted into the dropdown.


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1 answer

Without posting the code you are using, I am hammering a bit here, but dropdown

expect the data results to be injected { name: "Item 1", value: "value1" }

as explained in the relevant part of the documentation .

If you have different field names, you can provide a structure fields

in the settings to override them:

    fields: { name: "description", value: "data-value" },
    apiSettings: {
        mockResponse: {
            success: true,
            results: [


Minimum HTML required:

<div class="ui search selection dropdown">
    <div class="text">Search</div>



<div class="ui search selection dropdown">
    <input class="search"></input>


Empty is <div class="menu"></div>

automatically inserted, but required <input class="search"></input>

and will be automatically inserted if you already have an item <div class="text"></div>


Please note, however, that in my opinion this is a bug in the dropdown behavior, it will not load data until you start typing in the search box and therefore just clicking on the dropdown is not enough.



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