Python builds wrong characters

Let me start by saying that I tried to create a minimal example but was unable to reproduce the results. I try not to make it a habit to dump all of my code here, but I'm not sure about another way to illustrate the problem. I am writing a class to output data from my application in a specific format and I am getting wrong results in the code.

The format I'm trying to output should look like this:

Nodestyle "nodeType" "name"

"attribute-attribute of attribute type" [value]

If the attribute is associated with another node

"refrence attribute attribute" ["nodename: output-attribute-name"]


 Bxdf "PxrDisney" "7fcfd465-87c3-4092-98b9-b67d1655bc32" 
 "color baseColor" [] 
 "color emitColor" [] 
 "float subsurface" [0] 
 "reference color subsurfaceColor" ["a3bb37f2-dbb8-407b8a1ac93822ebef7c:resultRGB"] 
 "float metallic" [0] 
 "float specular" [.5] 
  "float specularTint" [0] 
  "float roughness" [.25] 
  "float anisotropic" [0] 
  "float sheen" [0] 
  "float sheenTint" [.5] 
  "float clearcoat" [0] 
  "float clearcoatGloss" [1] 
  "float presence" [1] 
  "int inputAOV" [0] 
  Pattern "PxrHSL" "a3bb37f2-dbb8-407b-8a1a-c93822ebef7c" 
  "color inputRGB" [] 
  "float hue" [0.0] 
  "float saturation" [1.0] 
  "float luminance" [1.0] 


The results I get are as follows:

('Bxdf "PxrDisney" "7fcfd465-87c3-4092-98b9-b67d1655bc32" \n "color baseColor" [] \n "color emitColor" [] \n "float subsurface" [0] \n "reference color subsurfaceColor"', '["a3bb37f2-dbb8-407b-8a1a-c93822ebef7c:resultRGB"] \n ')"float metallic" [0] 
 "float specular" [.5] 
 "float specularTint" [0] 
 "float roughness" [.25] 
 "float anisotropic" [0] 
 "float sheen" [0] 
 "float sheenTint" [.5] 
 "float clearcoat" [0] 
 "float clearcoatGloss" [1] 
 "float presence" [1] 
 "int inputAOV" [0] 
Pattern "PxrHSL" "a3bb37f2-dbb8-407b-8a1a-c93822ebef7c" 
 "color inputRGB" [] 
 "float hue" [0.0] 
 "float saturation" [1.0] 
 "float luminance" [1.0] 


It looks like it outputs special characters and extra elements in the string up to where there is a link to another node. if i refer to another attribute then let basecolor give wrong results to basecolor. If there are no connections at all, there is no problem. Why does the string give this behavior? This is the class. The class will take an array of node objects.

#This will handel the export of the RIB contaning all the shader calls
class exporter ():

    nodes = None
    dicNodes = {}
    outStream = []

    #Method Two: Use shader as a starting point
    #Find the shader
    #go through each attribute on the shader

    #if connected check attrs on connected node

    def __init__(self, incomenodes):
        self.nodes = incomenodes
        dicNodes = {}
        outStream = []

        #create a dic using nids as keys
        for node in self.nodes:
            self.dicNodes[str(node.nid)] = node

        #Run Export Command for each shader
        x = 0
        for node in self.nodes:
            print str(node.nodeType.nType)
            if str(node.nodeType.nType) == 'bxdf':

        target = open('/home/jspada20/outStream.RIB', 'w')

        print 'JAMES! There are ', len(self.outStream), 'items in the out stream'
        for line in self.outStream:
            print line

    def streamMe(self, node):

        #Layout for the header of a node call is....

        #Pattern "PxrThinFilm" "PxrThinFilm1"
        #Bxdf "PxrDisney" "PxrDisney1"
        #{Type} "{Identifyer}" "{Name/UID}"

        moreNodes = []

        #need to fix lower case letters comming in from XML source
        nodefunction = None
        if str(node.nodeType.nType[0]) == 'p':
            nodefunction = 'Pattern'
        elif str(node.nodeType.nType[0]) == 'b':
            nodefunction = "Bxdf"
            nodefunction = str(node.nodeType.nType)

        self.outStream.append(nodefunction + ' "' + str(node.nodeType.nName) + '" ' + '"' + str(node.nid) + '" \n ')

        for attr in node.inputs:

            #Check to see if it is connected

            #if not connected:
            if attr.currentConnectedNode is None:

                #Check to see what type the value is. This will govern the export scheme
                if str(attr.argType) == "int":
                    #print '"'+ str(attr.argType), + '" [' + str(attr.value) + ']'
                    self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] + '"' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '" [' + str(attr.value) + '] \n '
                elif str(attr.argType) == "float":
                    if str(attr.value[len(str(attr.value))-1]) == '.':
                        outVal = str(attr.value) + '0'
                        outVal = str(attr.value)
                    #print '"'+ str(attr.argType), + '" [' + outVal + ']'
                    self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = str(self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1]) + '"' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '" [' + str(attr.value) + '] \n '

                elif str(attr.argType) == "color":
                    #print '"'+ str(attr.argType), + '" [' + str(attr.value.r), str(attr.value.g), str(attr.value.b) + ']'
                    self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = str(self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1]) + '"' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '" [' + str(attr.value.r) + str(attr.value.g) + str(attr.value.b) + '] \n '

                elif str(attr.argType) == "string":
                    #print '"'+ str(attr.argType), + '" ["' + attr.value + '"]'
                    self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = str(self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1]) + '"' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '" [' + str(attr.value) + '] \n '

                self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = str(self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1]) + '"reference ' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '"', '["' + str(attr.currentConnectedNode.nid) + ':' + + '"] \n '

        for ids in moreNodes:



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1 answer

When I converted this code from print statements to information store in a list, I missed the comma. Tuples can be declared like this:

myTuple = "1", "2", "3"

With the comma in the instructions, I was converting the string.

Changing the comma to the + symbol in this statement solved the problem. Coming from C ++, I am not used to mutable data types!

            self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1] = str(self.outStream[len(self.outStream) - 1]) + '"reference ' + str(attr.argType) + " " + + '"' '["' + str(attr.currentConnectedNode.nid) + ':' + + '"] \n '




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